A couple 29 March 2023 590 Could a lasting relationship be the greatest adventure of modern times? Alice and Jules have... From soulmate to Tinder 26 January 2022 574 What about love, in the age of “sex friends”, social networks and the great market... Transmission 20 January 2022 521 It’s unusual to have a father who’s a Talmudist, a philosopher, a master of... Our meetings 2 January 2022 609 This novel of thwarted love is also the novel of an era. Amélie and Vincent meet as young men at... Instagrammable 10 March 2021 735 « À la terrasse des cafés, seuls ou avec des amis, ils sont sur le qui-vive. À l’affût d’une... The desire to believe 3 April 2019 5832 «This diary is mine, that of a woman, a mother and a philosopher who asks herself questions. How... Two pieces 1 June 2016 2982 Two pieces « There she was, almost naked, in front of the pool at Molitor. Exposed for all to... Philotherapy 4 May 2016 2737 Philotherapy Tired of her failed love affairs, Juliette decides to undergo philotherapy. She... Alyah 13 May 2015 2737 Alyah A few years ago, I used to go out into the street with a Star of David around my neck. I... Dr. Freud’s secret 27 August 2014 2742 Dr. Freud’s secret Vienna, March 1938. Sigmund Freud has called an extraordinary... Archimedes’ Palimpsest 22 May 2013 2639 Archimedes’ Palimpsest “What if the secret of the world lay in a code within our... And now you are allowed to every man 17 August 2011 2494 And now you are allowed to every man « Wife? Wife? No. You are Agouna. Chained, anchored... A marital affair 18 August 2010 2634 A marital affair « To do things right, you’d have to start by getting divorced. » Sephardic 1 August 2009 2497 Sephardic Can you escape your destiny? The one chosen for you? asks Esther Vital. A Moroccan Jew... The Messenger 11 July 2009 2586 The Messenger On the harbor, a young woman crosses paths with Anaël, a clairvoyant. He tells her... Mother and daughter, a novel 20 August 2008 3778 Mother and daughter, a novel “No one will make you happier than I, since I made... The book of smugglers 4 October 2007 2512 The book of smugglers Father and daughter Armand Abécassis and Éliette Abécassis, together for... The invisible corset 1 March 2007 2623 The invisible corset What are women really going through today? Women can’t take it... A happy event 24 August 2005 2301 A happy event “From then on, my life no longer belonged to me, I was nothing but a hollow... The last tribe 1 April 2004 2628 The last tribe Why has the body of a man murdered two thousand years ago in Tibet turned up... My father 21 August 2002 2697 My father «All women have a father: it is important to understand this, which is not... Qumran 3 May 2001 2734 Qumran It was one of the most important discoveries of the century. The Dead Sea Scrolls, found... The Temple Treasure 3 May 2001 2540 The Temple Treasure April 2000, Judean desert. An archaeologist is sacrificed on an altar... The repudiated 23 August 2000 2493 The repudiated « I have been loved, this is the end of love, loved and adored, that is the end... Livres illustrés Sepher – The thousand-year-old epic of the Bible 29 March 2023 513 “Sepher”, the scroll, the book in Hebrew… and therefore the Bible, the Torah, THE absolute... The shadow of the golem 10 July 2017 2501 The shadow of the golem Prague, 1552, Jews are persecuted. A rabbi creates a clay being to... Astalik – I don’t want to sleep! 10 July 2017 2415 I don’t want to sleep! Every night it’s the same story, Astalik doesn’t want... Astalik – I don’t want to go to school! 10 July 2017 2687 I don’t want to go to school! Astalik doesn’t want to go to school, the real reason... Astalik – You’re not my mum any more! 10 July 2017 2225 You’re not my mum any more! Every morning, it’s the same story: Astalik... Astalik goes shopping 10 July 2017 2247 Astalik goes shopping Astalik finds herself in the temple of consumerism, the hypermarket. She...