Write me: eliette@eliette-abecassis.com


It’s unusual to have a father who’s a Talmudist, a philosopher, a master of tradition and transmission. I’m lucky enough to have him as both father and teacher, because my father is my teacher. As a child, I’d watch him...

A happy event

A happy event

A happy event “From then on, my life no longer belonged to me, I was nothing but a hollow, an emptiness, a nothingness. I was now a mother.” Violent, heartfelt and immodest, Eliette Abécassis’s new novel shatters the taboos...



Can you escape your destiny? The one chosen for you? asks Esther Vital. A Moroccan Jew born in Strasbourg, crushed by the weight of tradition and family, but also torn by nostalgia for abandoned paradises – Spain from Cordoba to Toledo...



Qumran   It was one of the most important discoveries of the century. The Dead Sea Scrolls, found in the caves of Qumran. And soon stolen. Will Ary, a young religious Jew, uncover the secret they contain in the course of an investigation...